The to-do list for being a better person


“Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.” - Oprah Winfrey.

The definition of “better person” is very vague, as each person has different thoughts on how to transform into the finer version of themselves. People, for certain, want to build a happier life. Though, the following lines are not methods to help those in need get better straight away, nor are they a magic formula that will make you happy for a lifetime - they are here, simply to help you overcome the hardship you might be facing in the long run. 

The ways mentioned in this article are simply messages for you, that you should slow down and take a deep breath. Even if you have come across this stuff, don't scroll through them just yet; instead, take some time to review and practice them for a while.

"Accept that this is a process" 

You won't have to devote the entirety of your life to the task of "becoming a better person", but, you have to understand that people don't just wake up one day and immediately alter the world. Embracing change and evolution will enable you to develop flexibility, which is essential for being the very kind of person you dream of becoming.

"Accurately recognize your own values"

Success has many faces and few of them you cannot succeed to achieve no matter how brilliant your ideas are. For such reason, you have to determine your "values"; not suggesting that you should define yourself as a lifeless object, but, to know what your strength is. Build up a house around the very core "strength" of yours, and one day, when struggles pass, it will become a castle.

"Decide what improvements you would like to see in yourself"

You should take a piece of paper and write down what you want to see in yourself about a month later. You would like to wake up earlier, tidy the house more often, or study for half an hour more, and so on. It doesn't need to be a huge goal, but one that can be accomplished within your ability—you won't like it if you give up on improving yourself on the first try.

"Set goals for yourself"

“Without goals, and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination.” — Fitzhugh Dodson. 

Aiming high can not only improve your happiness and quality of life, but it can also assist you in discovering your life's purpose. It might be difficult for a few to identify and reach the end of their path to becoming a better person, but don't be discouraged just yet. Instead, set small goals that will help you grow as a person - like starting a conversation with your classmates, calling your mother once a weekend, or helping a stranger who is in need!

"Find a role model"

Role models are a great source of inspiration, and their stories can strengthen our minds when times are tough. Your role models don't have to be famous individuals; they can be your close ones, or, even your significant other. If you just look at the behavior of someone who you have no interaction with, it will be easy to develop misconceptions.

For instance, if you observe a positive coworker who consistently appears to be joyful and upbeat, try to figure out, why? 

"Step outside your comfort zone"

In order to progress, one must expose his or herself to new experiences. Although cozy spaces are great, they can quickly become monotonous. Try something new, step outside of your comfort zone, and occasionally change up your daily routine. By taking on new challenges, you could broaden your horizons and get new perspectives on the world. Take on challenges without fear! You can achieve the seemingly unachievable if you put in the necessary effort, and, you can try bringing friends along on your travels for even more enjoyment.

"Be yourself"

Stay true to yourself is the best approach to improving as a person! You are one-of-a-kind, everything about you is absolutely unique. Accepting who you really are can improve your life, reinforce your identity, and make you feel delightful. Explore your hobbies, go with your instincts, and do what you love. 

"Be grateful"

Everyday gratitude could lead to a happier life. Being thankful is more than simply an attitude; it's a practice. It is easier to be kind and compassionate to yourself and other people when you are grateful and appreciative of where you are in life. For a little while, remember that there are good people in the world and that every smile and thank you is a gift.

"Yesterday is a history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why we call it The Present" – Eleanor Roosevelt

"Practice forgiveness"

It's time to move on from the past and think about the present. Give yourself time to evaluate your past errors and let off yourself in order to grow. Then, forgive those who once have wronged you; forgiveness can ease your mind, even if you might not be able to forget what they did, it's always better to let the past, well, pass.

"Control your anger"

While feeling angry is natural, having too much anger can make compassion difficult. You have to understand the 'hows' and 'whys' of other people's situations if you want to grow as a person. Even though things might not go as planned, accept that 'what may come, will come' and take a deep breath to remind yourself that attitude is something you can manage. Consider diverting your ire by thinking about something else, such as taking a stroll or remembering a serene or joyful experience.

"I'm all about body positivity and self-love because I believe that we can save the world if we first save ourselves." - Lizzo

